Apartment Investing vs. House Investing

If you’re interested in purchasing an investment property, you might have already asked yourself if you should invest in a house, or an apartment. The answer, while simple, is not so helpful on it’s own. The answer is: It depends.
Each property type comes with particular pros and cons. Depending on your investment goals, your personal preferences and other factors, either one can be a huge winner or a gigantic flop. It’s all about the amount of time you have to put into the property, and what you hope to achieve in return.
Here are some of the factors to consider when deciding between the two:
Are you investing for the long haul, or are you after returns on a more short-term scale?
History indicates that houses are the more stable and profitable long-term assets. However, apartments have recently been shown to yield better returns in shorter time frames.
Typically, an investment in property carries intent for long-term profit. However it’s entirely possible that you have other goals in mind.
Before you make your decision, it’s imperative to thoroughly investigate property and lifestyle trends in the local area. If apartments are on the way up, that might be your answer right there.
Conversely, if houses are holding strong (as, historically, they always have), maybe you’d prefer to play it safe.
Houses come with physical land. Despite the trends of the surrounding area, they are still generally considered to be the safer investment. However there is one last consideration to think about before deciding.
While houses are widely considered to be the safer option (with apartments making up ground in recent times), they do come with a drawback: All the responsibility falls on you as the landlord.
Whereas with apartments, the burden of maintenance and repairs is taken over by a body corporate. The responsibility is shared, rather than being yours and yours alone.
Mortgage House
At Mortgage House, we’re no strangers to the homeowner’s journey. It’s a long (but rewarding) one.
But don’t worry, we can help with that.
If you’re thinking of investing in a property, you can contact us for advice about the best options for you when it comes to your mortgage. The cost of your mortgage can drastically affect your financial planning, so it pays to speak to the experts about it.